公益讲座:后疫情时期对留法学生创业及居留转换的影响 / L'entrepreneuriat et le changement de statut des étudiants chinois en France dans la période post-épidémique de COVID 19/ The entrepreneurship and the residence permit application of the Chinese students in France for the post-epidemic period of COVID 19

Introduction / 介绍: The following document was published by SUN Business Law Firm on June 27th, 2020. This document is available in Chinese. You can read and freely download the document from the following link. / 以下文章选自本所的出版物, 此文章在2020年6月27日在本网站上公布。此文章仅有中文一个版本。您可以点击以下链接免费阅览或下载。



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